Website Security Tools

Common Sense Security Practices

There are some common sense security practices that you should be aware of and use before thinking about any other security tools and programs.

Below are some of them

  • Update your WordPress regularly
  • Install antivirus software and configure it to update automatically
  • Update all the software programs on your PC
  • Scan your PC for malware every month
  • Don’t leave your PC unattended
  • Don’t give any of your passwords to anyone
  • Change your passwords frequently
  • Don’t use the same password on multiple websites
  • Be careful with how much information you post or share online
  • Do not trust all pop-up notifications
  • Be aware of phishing emails
  • Do not open links or programs from unknown sources
  • Do not store your passwords in your PC unless they are encrypted
  • Use SSL certificates for all your websites

If you follow the above guidelines, you will save yourself a lot of trouble in the future.

The above-mentioned items are part of the ongoing security awareness and education.

Security awareness is an important step towards cyber security. You should read as much information as you can to educate yourself about cyber security.

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